I knew from the start, this would happen.
Is it a cliche story? Is it? Cliche or not, it has to be told. I have to let it out. Or... or my head would explode. My heart will crumple under the weight of it all. My soul would be crushed to ashes. My... okay! Cut the crap! Moving on!
Yes, yes... it ALWAYS starts with a girl in love. The guy doesn't love the girl back and yea, you could guess what happens next. ALL THE TIME... Korean drama? Nope. Sick romance? Nope. True story of an ordinary teenage girl? Yeap! But yes, that is exactly what happened to me. I write this because I thought it is such cliche that everyone would have been through this before and therefore, can relate to it.
It all started when I met him (yea, yea, I can imagine you roll your eyes and think, doesn't it always happen that way?). Yes, of course I met him. If I didn't, there wouldn't be a love story to write. Is there?
He is a guy no one would give a second thought to. Nor a second glance. He's not special. No supermodel hotness. As far as I know, he has no abs either. Hmm... muscles? Maybe a little... But certainly no abs. I'm sure of it. Anyway, I am not the kinda a girl who like someone for his abs, looks or popularity. Yea, I've heard every girl say that. But whatever! He was no Prince Charming either. Although I have to admit he has a brilliant smile (which only I noticed). Nah, it's not blinding. Trust me, if it was, I would have been blind long ago.
Okay, okay. I hear you squirm in your seat. Patience, darling, patience. The story has just begun...
I met him in school. Years and years and years and years ago. Nah... actually it was just 15 years ago. But I can still remember how we met very vividly. I didn't fall in love immediately. I DON'T BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. Because that would mean it started with infatuation. Maybe love at first word then. Hey, laugh all you want, but people can fall in love with someone's voice, you know? Imagine, waking up to a sexy-voiced 'good morning, hunneh/darling/love/dear' every morning. Ahhh... who wouldn't be turned on and feeling good for the rest of the day? Anyway, I'm getting off topic, again.
So yes, we met in high school. I was innocent, naive and stupid and foolish and an idiot. Man! I wish I could go back and tell my 16 year old self what I know now. Now I'm 31. So it's pretty safe to say that I was indeed, a fool in love back then. Now, I'm all grown up and grown up. (wow! It feels good to say you're grown up. Grown up. *heart flutters with excitement* Grown up. *giggles*)
Anyway... we started talking (of course we did! I feel in love with his voice. And smile. And... him...). I never gave it a thought about our future. That in another few months, we're gonna be very close friend. That in another 1 year, we'd secretly fall in love with each other. That in another 1 and a quarter year, he'd tell me that he loved me all along when we were drunk (he was drunk, I wasn't.) because we secretly bought beer and indulged in drunkenness.
Opps. I just told you what happened. Yes, that's what happened. No, we didn't have drunken sex. We just lied down by each other in silence, staring at the night sky. Enjoying each other's presence. That's what I love about him. I learnt that night, that loving someone doesn't mean loving him. It's loving the moment you're with him. Loving the comfortable silence between you both that doesn't need to be filled in. Loving every inch of your life when he's there.
Okay, telling you that we just lied down in silence and did nothing special for the whole night is a blatant lie. But nope, we didn't have sex (I'm strict in my own principle. Sex is only allowed in marriage. I value these kinda things greatly). We kissed. My first kiss. What's that I hear? Laughing? Hey, I value my first kiss greatly I don't mind giving it away only when I think the time is right. Even if I was already 17 and a half by the time I gave it away when all my other friends were already WAAAAAY ahead of me.
I didn't regret giving my first kiss to him. I never will. We didn't jump into a relationship after that. But eventually, we fell out of each other. He said he wasn't ready for a relationship. Don't ALL guys say that. I was heart broken of course. We graduated high school. Went our separate ways. Ever heard of a quote 'if you fell out of love, it wasn't love at all'? I agree. We fell out of each other. But I never ever stopped loving him even once. Not once. Not ever. Even though I met a few other guys after him. None of them was as awesome/loving/deep/special/unique as him. No one could match up to him. Or replace his place in my heart. It's all reserved for him. I know that even if I got married with someone else, he will still be my first love, my first kiss. And I used to wish that I would be his last kiss too. When I grow older, I thought it was silly to think that way. People fall out but life goes on.
People out there? Girls want to be a guy's last kiss. Guys want to be a guy's first kiss. Trust me. Think about it, and you'll all agree with me.
About 7 years after the first time we met, we met in a cafe. I was typing a story on my laptop. He was there for a cuppa. He greeted me. He grew taller. Tanned. His voice, I noticed, was deeper. Of course he grew different in some ways. And he was pretty a successful 23 year old. It's 7 years! What do you expect? But he's still the same old him on the inside. And his smile... I've checked! He's still him. Same old humour. Same old jokes. He could still make our private jokes funny. The person I loved. The person I love. The person I will always love.
After a few dates, he wanted to be in a relationship. A serious one. So I accepted. Our courtship began. It was funny. Sweet. I wouldn't say short. But it was romantic. Not overly-done though. It was almost perfect... except for the time when we argued because I was sick of eating out and he didn't want to eat in. Or the time I didn't wanna have Italian for dinner but he insisted. Or the time when I wanted extra caramel in my popcorn and he said it was bad for my health. Or the time he insisted on paying for the bag I've been saving for ages for and I said no but he paid in the end. Oh! We didn't speak for 2 days until he said he'd accept my money in return. Or the time he said he's bringing me to the park for a picnic and he said I shouldn't prepare anything because everything was planned and I was like, what the heck? I wanted to plan it!
Other than all those big fights up there, there was nothing else that could spoil our courtship. Because I always win the arguments. I know he lets me win all the time. Sometimes, I wanted to let him win. Most of the time, he makes up to me later. The longest time we've never spoken was like... 4 days? (The extra caramel in popcorn argument) Nah, we don't stick to each other like Siamese twins or some icky-over-romantic couples out there who stick their tongues down each other's throat every single second and all over the place. Eww! I hate those kinda things! We gave each other space but we love each other each and every moment. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, doesn't it?
After about 2 years of courtship, he said "I love you". Did I mention that he never said those three words before? Neither did I to him. So when he said it, it was very precious. See? That's why I said, I don't like being like those icky-over-romantic couples out there. They say that to each other almost every other day. It will become meaningless and eventually, it becomes like a routine. Which in other words - boring.
He proposed. About one month later. In that freakin' Italian restaurant. This time, he really, really, really insisted that I go there. I gave in easily. Seeing that it has been sometime since we last went there, so yea, I didn't mind. It was romantic. It wasn't cliche. It was thoughtful. But it wasn't over-done. Just like him. Simple and meaningful. Just the way I like it. Am comfortable with.
There was no sudden musicians playing violins out of nowhere. There was no cake. He just went up to the stage, took the microphone, sang "Only You" and knelt down in front of everyone and proposed. I remember exactly the words he said, "Hey everyone. Today, I sing this song specially for someone whom I've loved for a long, long time. Although we've went our separate ways before, fate brought us together again. Today, is the 10th anniversary of our first meeting way back in high school. Also, today, I would like to ask this special girl *he kneels down* will you marry me?"
I could hear girls in the restaurant gasp. I could sense every girl in the room looking at me with envy. Some were saying "huh! You never did that for me!". I was proud. I was in love. I was crying with joy. A girl shouted, "Say yes!!!" then the others followed. I nodded slowly at first. Then I nodded faster, happily. And I said, "Yes, I will."
He jumped up in joy. He ran down the stage, towards me. He embraced me and planted a kiss on my forehead. Everyone clapped. After awhile, the crowd settled down. He slipped the ring on my fourth finger and kissed my hand. After the bills was settled. We went home to tell our family the news. Aaaaand it turned out that everyone knew. Everyone except me.
A wedding ceremony was held 3 months later. It was a perfect white wedding. The ones girls die for. The ones girls dream about. It was perfect. It was cliche. It is my story.
I love him forever and ever.
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